Flash Sale! (a $321 value!) just $97 $27
Get Back In The Saddle Again
4 Days to a Safer, Connected, More Confident, Calmer Horse
Learn the ultimate Pre-Ride Routine that prepares both yourself
& your horse for a great ride...
"I can't say enough about how much this program has helped me gain back my confidence after a bad wreck with a horse in the past. This routine sets the tone for my entire ride and helps me know I'm connected with my horse and we are both relaxed. I use it every time I ride."
-Amanda T.-
Have you ever gotten on to ride or work with your horse and something just feels a little off?
You can't put your finger on it, so you press on.
Everything goes just fine...until it doesn't.
Your horse unexpectedly spooks or bolts.
Starts bucking when you cue them to go forward.
Or gets mad when you ask them to go away from his friends
and you're left at best with your confidence rattled, and at worst you get hurt.
Think about how much more confident you would feel if you could anticipate and uncover pain,
or gaps in your horse's training
things go wrong.
No more guessing, without a clear plan, but having a guided path to follow that leads to the partnership you've always wanted with your horse.
(you can also forget about showin' 'em who's boss or lunging for hours)
Imagine with me for just a moment…
having the type of partnership & connection that you can go out & try and do anything you want with a plan to build "try" & willingness
(Together as a team, not you just "making" your horse come along...
saying NO MORE to fear, intimidation & bribery!)
Like my horse, Hippo, I was able take him through the field, chase a cow or to the show pen.
We traveled 1000s of miles together.
If I can do it, believe me, so can you!
No matter your discipline or level of experience
It all starts with what you do before the ride ... let me show you how
Get Back In The Saddle Again
4 Days To A Safer Connected, More Confident, Calmer Heart Horse Step-By-Step Course
Discover a groundwork routine that anyone can do even if your confidence has been broken in the past...
that will establish mutual respect through connected leadership,
teach your horse to relax so he/she can connect & trust you,
puts them in the headspace to be able to learn,
chips away at resistance to build willingness
and creates better manners
...allowing you to create a partnership that you love with confidence & ease.
This is for you if you want to optimize your relationship to show, ride safely at home, ride the trails... or even if you just want a more connected partnership for liberty or safety on the ground!
"Just one week and I feel like I have a new horse. Thank you so much !! I cannot even describe how I'm feeling."
-Heather Q.-
Here's how it works...
(during the first four days expect sessions to take around 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your horse's level
& then as you practice it will take you only a few minutes before each ride or session depending on the day, of course)
Create a safe, willing, trusted extraordinary partnership even if you have never trained a horse before & have no idea where to start OR have trained horses your whole life & love learning new ideas!
A simple 21-day printable training plan designed for the out-of-shape horse that has a good start under saddle. The plan focuses on gradually developing balance, trust, and suppleness through walking, trotting, cantering and groundwork exercises.
A quick and easy printable checklist to "get back on the horse" keeping your horse and yourself safe after time off
A step-by-step routine to follow every time you mount up that sets you up for a safe, relaxed, willing ride
"I love using the P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Checklist because it gives me the confidence to know that I am connected to my mare and she is really listening to me. It helps quiet my anxiety & fears before I get on and gets my horse focused on me, so we have a safe, great ride."
-Pam B.-
That's right. I said it.
If you have been waiting or wondering if you have what it takes or for some kind of sign now you have it.
You don't need the Wizard of Oz or Glinda the Good Witch to float down in her pink bubble and give you some magic from her wand.
That little voice inside you that says "Something's not right" or "I need to wait" or "My horse needs something different" or "I am anxious"...
You aren't hearing things. You aren't crazy.
It's time to trust yourself again.
"You've always had the power, my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself."
You just need to polish up the horsemanship skills that matter most.
See, I know about these things, I know how it feels to be rattled, distracted, anxious and sometimes even scared in my horse time. I have been unmotivated & feeling flat before.
I have been totally confused about how to move forward.
It's discouraging! And deflating to feel bummed doing the thing that makes me happiest- working with my horse!
So I spent the last 30 (maybe 40!?) years studying... learning from some of the best equestrians in the world & developing mental tools and exercises to help me feel safe, secure, confident, and most of all connected to my horses.
And you know what? Now when those feelings come I have the tools to do something about it and move forward.
And I want the same and more for you!
"It definitely puts everything in an easy-to-use system... puts all the knowledge I have in a simple process so that I don't overcomplicate things or get overwhelmed at trying to figure out where to start or what to do next"
-P. Bennett-
If you've had your confidence shaken in or out of the saddle,
it can be easy to just give up on what makes you happy.
It's time to bring the happy to your horse time again.
In just four incredible sessions, (about 30 minutes to an hour teaching time with your horse per day) you’ll quickly and easily get your confidence in your horsemanship back on track.
The solid kind of confidence which ooozes into all areas of your life.
You'll walk away motivated, energized, and inspired to push forward.
"It works! My husband just said he's seen me ride more in the last few weeks than in the last 3 years!"
"I truly get -in my bones- that creating the life & relationship with my horses that I want is up to me. I am the hero I've been looking for. That white knight galloping in on a gorgeous white horse to save the day is ME!"
-Lauren S.-